GoLP for Ukraine

logo-ukraineGoLP supports several full time research fellowships (at MSc, PhD, or post-doc level) for students/researchers from Ukraine (with backgrounds in physics, electrical engineering, applied mathematics, or computer science) in topics of our research portfolio (exp-theory-simulations) that covers laser-plasma physics, lasers, optics, plasma astrophysics, warm dense matter, light sources, high-performance computing, numerical simulations, laser technology (for details check our website http://golp.tecnico.ulisboa.pt and the websites of our two main teams: http://xgolp.tecnico.ulisboa.pt and http://epp.tecnico.ulisboa.pt). We also cover tuition and fees for students transferring to a degree at Instituto Superior Tecnico.

For more information email luis.silva@tecnico.ulisboa.pt.